A.C.E Protocol

What is it?

The A.C.E. Protocol, developed by Dr. David Sundy, is a method of multiverse correction of the spirit-mind-body complex to assist with the integration of the energy upgrade process from 3rd density towards 4th density, which is occurring right now on our planet for humans.

Brief Summary

Once, some time ago, there was one light love complex that existed in a pure and singular form. This one light love complex wanted to experience what it was like to love another, truly and fully. And so, the one light love spirit split itself up into many parts becoming all of the pars of the Universe. And all of these parts, though individual from each other, all had the predilection to rise to progressively higher states of self-awareness until they once again reached a state of oneness, sometimes called God-consciousness.   

Over time these separate parts formed into particles and then elements and then larger and gradually more complex, but still fairly simple, substances that make up all of the various forms of matter in the Universe. These parts can be called First Density

As these parts cotninue to evolve and grow, they become simple organisms. While they may lack consciousness as we know it, they respond instinctually, moving towards food and away from danger. These can be called Second Density.

Third Density refers to beings that have advanced self-awareness and complex thought patterns. Humans are Third Density beings. A lot of animals transition from 2nd and 3rd density.

Fourth Density refers to beings with an even higher degree of consciousness and awareness, one that allows them to change the past and the future through the now.  The A.C.E. method is like training wheels towards the evolution of this capability, which allows for certain decisions to be changed regarding how we believe things to be, which directly shape the quality of our relationships and our health profoundly.   

An example would be consciously or unconsciously subscribing to a stereotype such as “I’m dumb” at some point in this life, a prior embodiment (not incarnation, that’s for god archetypes taking physical form which are likely part of all persons’ timelines), or from an ancestral life.  If this belief is believed firmly enough then it will get written into the energy body of that particular spirit mind complex at that particular point in time and it will affect all those who make use of this energy body going forward until it is corrected.  With the A.C.E. method the practitioner can identify when on the timeline this incorrect belief first occurred.   Then, through this process the patient can be moved in a multiverse type of way onto a timeline where no limiting belief occurred and then enjoy improved health and personal relationships.

A true 4th dimensional being could just decide at will to go back and make a different decision.   At this point the A.C.E. method is thought to make use of this mechanism of going back in time and making a different choice to create a new now that is in greater harmony with the All is one natural law.  The result is improved relationships and overall quality of life.  


The method in its current form is based on 12 clinical trials.  I have improved upon and expanded upon the the core technique based on its own protocol.  

Case studies are planned for publication as the clinical results have clear objective findings.

Recent noteworthy corrections have improved the lives of those with Parkinsons Syndrome, Severe, long duration chronic migraines, transitions from suicidal to hopeful and engaging, personality transitions from irritable, bitter and hopeless to cheerful and curious, or course resolution of all sorts of pain and range of motions deficits. Clearing the symptoms of post-covid syndrome are of particular interest to me at the moment.

I train my patients to see their pain and emotional triggers as gifts of things to be corrected to improve their current health and relationships and all those who continue beyond this life who will make use of the their energy body.  

The energy blocks created in the individual spirit mind complex can be observed and quantified before being treated.  Then their absence can be observed post treatment and the benefits can be quantified by various questionairres, orthopedic, neurologic, physiologic and imaging studies.

For example for an energy block interfering with vagus nerve fuction (cranial nerve 10), the patient may have an abnormal heatbeat, i.e., slow, fast, irregular.  That can be measured by standard medical equipment or an apple watch.  Once cleared in most cases the heartbeat will immediately return to normal.   In more complicated cases then the energy body needs three weeks to heal.  Then, within three months the full benefit can be appreciated.  Along the way data points can be tracked at follow up office visits.

Additional accomplishments I have achieved recently with my work include straightening eyes, various other types of vision improvements, reduced necessity of all sorts of prescription medication, cancelled surgeries, improved digestion, increased ease with life in general, improved sleep, improved concentration, and many more.

For further study of the remaining light density beings please Podcast, google and youtube search both “Description of the various light density beings”  and “Description of various dimensional beings.”  There’s an abundance of information out there.  Here’s a link to one of my favorites: https://youtu.be/UxubeeSqSmk