Sundy School for practitioners provides continuing education opportunities to learn more thorough applications of common chiropractic techniques. The chiropractic student, the young doctor as well as the seasoned practitioner are likely to discover a more thorough understanding of the underlying mechanism to the techniques which they currently practice as well as new ways to solve difficult clinical problems.

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Classes and Other Offerings

Watch the Doc Subscription

Learn by watching recordings of actual adjustive visits as Dr. David Sundy combines motion and static palpation, muscle strength analysis with Activator analysis, Cranial analysis, SOT, NET, Zone, and Pineal Telepathy Leg Length analysis, joint motion couple restoration, soft tissue treatmens and organ reflex resets into a comprehensive adjustive method to achieve a most thorough reset of structure and function.  New videos released each month.  A must have for those seeking real world application of the material taught in the following practitioner classes.  You will see all of the strange and unusual places that dysfuncitons hide in the body, how to find them, and how to achive significant resolve for your patients.

 If you like what you see and you want to learn the concepts to integrate them into your own method, then I invite you to take the core classes below.  My approach is the culmination of countless hours of classes and clinical application since 2001.

Pineal Telepathy Leg Length Analysis (PT LLA)

Learn to communicate energetically with the patient through leg length analysis to guide your work. Learn to boost the electromagnetic power of the “antennae” in your brain and how to use the magnetic energy potential of your heart to further boost this signal. Learn to allow common sense to be your guide as your patient’s body tells you exactly what it needs and in what order as you cross reference your findings from PT LLA with those of other methods of analysis to arrive at a greater degree of certainty to guide your selection of treatment modalities and order of operations and arrive at a higher level of clinical certainty and patient satisfaction. For those who appreciate the information of traditional AK analysis, but would prefer another method of receiving answers from the body, PT LLA provides this much need guidance for what to do, where to do it, with what modality and when. You’ll learn how to ask the right questions and how to layer them to guide your work.

Soft Tissue Success

Learn to feel the difference between strains, sprains, tendonopathies and enthesopathies, shortness tightness weakness, myofascial restriction, and soft tissue hypertonicity caused by joint dysfunction vs cranio-meningeal restriction vs muscle imbalance vs neuro-emotional complex and when to refer out to various specialists: ART, Hendrickson Method, myofascial release, and Rolfing. Do’s and Don’t of soft tissue therapies in light of certain diagnoses. And, receive an introduction to easy to use and implement soft tissue modalities such as joint range of motion and end feel alalysis, myofascial release, pin and stretch, cross fiber friction, MET, strain-counter strain and orthobionomy and table shiatsu.

Honing and Normalizing Motion Couples

Prerequisite: Motion palpation and Activator Methods are helpful but not required. Not technique specific. Learn to identify motion coupled spine, extremity and cranial joint motions. Most of us learned that the spine if mechanically coupled such that if a subluxation exists at L5 then C1 I most likely invloved as well. L4 goes with C2 and so on. However, very few know that this system can become uncoupled. This class will teach how to identify uncoupled joint and where to look for the other parts of the motion couple which is necessary to restore normal motion evident by motion palpation and various measurable clinical outcomes.

Integrating NET vie leg checks

Prerequisite: PT LLA and NET Basic. NET was initially practiced during the adjustive process, but that got dropped as the technique developed. If you have patients then you should know that many if not all of them have NECs underlying their joint dysfuncitons, soft tissue and cranio-meningeal stress patterns. If you have ever experienced clearing out a patient wonderfully, then the next day their pain comes screaming back, chances are there is an NEC underlying their structural dysfunction. Clearning the NEC at the same time as the other findings you address in an adjustive visit can bring a more thorough clinical outcome and have your patients signing your praises much more often.

Integrating SOT and Zone with Activator Analysis or your preferred method via PT LLA

(Pre-requsite: PT LLA, and some SOT and Activator, Integrating NET via leg checks recommended). SOT can be overwhelming and confusing, yet it is one of the most thorough conglomerations of methods to remove cranio-meningeal stress and to reset organ reflexexes, all of which can have an NEC underlying their existence. Learn to apply what you learned in PT LLA to identify SOT findings and to uncover what order and with what modality to neutralize the lesion. This approach removes the complexity of the multitude of analysis methods inhernet to SOT practice and repaces them with a single, simple method of analysis, PT LLA, which you can correlate with other clinical findings to arrive at a greater level of clinical certainty in a shorter amount of time. This leg check approach provides a more objective method of analysis when applying SOT principles which are largely observed by subjective analysis, i.e., asking the patient to tell you if and how much an area hurts. This method also eliminates the necessity of AK arm checks which can be difficult for some doctors and certain patients, i.e. shoulder injuries, other injuries and folks who don’t want to keep holding their arm up.